About Ketrowa?
Providing materials and equipment for construction projects is always one of the most important concerns of builders and project managers. The importance of this issue stems from its direct impact on the project schedule, construction cost, and final building value. With the aim of facilitating the process of providing construction goods and taking into account its social responsibility, Ketrowa team has created a comprehensive and online system. In this system, builders will be able to prepare the schedule for the supply of materials and equipment for their construction projects and order the supply of goods based on the plan. These orders are made by comparing various products available in the system. Mass builders are the most important target customers of Ketrowa, and Ketrowa tries to supply and deliver goods on time to the consumer by logical planning for manufacturers and by providing cash and credit purchase model. Also, due to the reception and request for the supply of construction products for foreign markets, the supply of construction products for export markets is another main goal of Ketrowa. Ketrowa plans to transform the traditional and opaque market into a modern, high-speed and accurate market where buyers can get the quality goods they want at the most appropriate price.

Why Ketrowa?

Time Reduction
Risk Reduction
On-time Delivery
Pricing based on cost
Ketrowa is trying to build trust among target customers by offering all products under the Ketrowa brand in one place.
: Ketrowa has increased accessibility by offering all the products needed by the builders in one place.
the builders have to deal with only one organization for the supply of materials, hence the time required to follow up the order is reduced.
By creating planning for builders, Ketrowa significantly reduces the risk of the lack of materials or the late arrival of materials.
By registering on the Ketrowa website and ordering products, builders receive the project schedule and the materials according to the schedule.
Ketrowa offers products by adopting the strategy of minimum profit and the lowest price in the market.
Ketrowa Product Categories
The 29th International Tile-Ceramic & Sanitary Ware Exhibition
22-25 October 2024
According to Ketrowa news site, "The 29th Exhibition of Tile-Ceramic & Sanitary Ware" will be held on October 22-25, 2024 by the Iran Ceramic Producers Syndicate at the place of international exhibitions in Aftab city, Tehran, Iran. This exhibition, which for nearly three decades, has hosted the elders and practitioners of the construction industry, especially tile and ceramic and porcelain sanitary ware manufacturers, as well as all related businesses, has become one of the most important specialized gatherings in this field in Iran. Also, for the first time, "Ketrowa" company, as the first and largest supplier and producer of zero to one hundred construction goods, will have a significant presence in this exhibition. During the exhibition, Ketrowa will host a wide range of mass builders, builders of large construction projects and all those involved in the construction industry, and for the first time in this exhibition, it will unveil its services and market strategies.
Some partner companies in production

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